The Proven Path to Building Professional-grade Well Tested React Apps

Now available at an unbeatable price

Stuck in Analysis Paralysis

Building enterprise-grade applications means making decisions.

From prioritizing features to handling deployment, there are things to think about at every step of the project lifecycle.

Each step of the way, you have to keep your balance:

How will this affect the user? How will maintaining it affect my team?

Choose Wisely

React is the choice for building high quality, scalable web applications.

But knowing what to choose isn't enough--you need the why and how.

Understanding the mental models of React allows you to build the foundation for utilizing its most powerful features.

"It Works" isn't Good Enough

Having a working application is just the start. It may be working today, but are you sure it'll work after every change in the future?

In order to be a true professional, you also need to be testing.

Of course, this means more decisions to make:

What should I test? Do I have to have 100% coverage?

How am I supposed to add testing to my workflow?

The Clock is Ticking

Building a deep understanding of React apps and how to test them isn't the hard part– I've taught tens of thousands of developers how to write fully tested, enterprise-grade apps.

The hard part is making the time.

Time is the most valuable thing you have.

The hours you spend learning will help you further your career, but it comes at the cost of being away from your family and friends.

You could choose to spend your time searching the web for videos and articles that might end up being helpful-- but how do you know if what you read reflects industry best practices?

You need to be sure that the time you invest is spent correctly.

You need the KCD Bundle.

Now available, the KCD Bundle brings Testing JavaScript and Epic React together for a special discounted price.

The material I teach in these self-paced trainings has evolved thanks to the feedback from hundreds of live workshop attendees.

Developers just like you, who have made the decision to invest in themselves and their careers.

Now it's your turn.

What's Inside

Hands-on practice coding in a real development environment

Epic React is a series of code-along interactive workshops that have been play-tested live and in-person over several years for hundreds of developers like you.

This self-paced workshop collection will start from the very beginning of the React journey and guide you all the way through well-tested application architecture.

This collection of self-paced workshops is truly epic. It isn't a play on words!

  • 19 hours of concise in-depth video training
  • Interactive self-paced workshop exercises
  • 10 full hours of insightful video conversations with React experts

What other developers are saying

This has been my favorite of the masterclass series. Especially compound components! I find I'm at a point in my career where I want to write better APIs for components both for others and for resilience.

Mike Schutte
Mike Schutte

I'm always looking to level up my skills and I wanted to get a stronger knowledge of React. Before Epic React, I was good at React. After, I feel like a superhero and have super powers with React. I've been able to solve some harder problems with simpler solutions. I'm working on an internal tool for the company I work for and I've been able to create some incredible advanced functionality with the added knowledge from Kent's course.

Steven Hofheins
Steven Hofheins

I bought the workshop bundle because I felt my knowledge of React was very lacking. At the time, I had worked with React for half a year and always had a lot of unanswered questions. I feel way more confident in my React abilities now. The workshops cover almost everything you need to know in React. Nowadays whenever I find myself unfamiliar with a concept in React, I just refer back to the notes and exercises. The other day, I was looking at some production level React code that I have never seen before and I did not feel overwhelmed at all.

Andrew Li
Andrew Li

Epic React

Kent C. Dodds
Kent C. Dodds
Epic React
8 workshops full of dense React knowledge
  • React Fundamentals
    React Fundamentals
    9 lessons
    1h 51m
  • React Hooks
    React Hooks
    9 lessons
    2h 24m
  • Advanced React Hooks
    Advanced React Hooks
    8 lessons
    1h 14m
  • Advanced React Patterns
    Advanced React Patterns
    8 lessons
    2h 14m
  • React Performance
    React Performance
    9 lessons
    2h 14m
  • Testing React Apps
    Testing React Apps
    10 lessons
  • React Suspense
    React Suspense
    10 lessons
    1h 34m
  • Build an Epic React App
    Build an Epic React App
    17 lessons
    7h 7m
13 interviews with industry experts
  • Creating Open Source Libraries with Tanner Linsley
    Creating Open Source Libraries with Tanner Linsley
  • Animations and Interactions with Josh Comeau
    Animations and Interactions with Josh Comeau
  • Next.js and Vercel with Guillermo Rauch
    Next.js and Vercel with Guillermo Rauch
  • Building React-based Design Systems with Ben Ilegbodu
    Building React-based Design Systems with Ben Ilegbodu
  • The React Ecosystem with Tejas Kumar
    The React Ecosystem with Tejas Kumar
  • Encapsulation and Styling with Michael Chan
    Encapsulation and Styling with Michael Chan
  • 3D Animation in the Browser with Paul Henschel
    3D Animation in the Browser with Paul Henschel
  • Best Practices for Maintainers with Jenn Creighton
    Best Practices for Maintainers with Jenn Creighton
  • Breaking into Tech with Samantha Bretous
    Breaking into Tech with Samantha Bretous
  • Best Practices of Server-Side Rendering with Monica Powell
    Best Practices of Server-Side Rendering with Monica Powell
  • Mock Service Worker (MSW) with Artem Zakharchenko
    Mock Service Worker (MSW) with Artem Zakharchenko
  • React and React Native documentation with Rachel Nabors
    React and React Native documentation with Rachel Nabors
  • React Developer Tools with Brian Vaughn
    React Developer Tools with Brian Vaughn
In the bundle
  • 8 Interactive Self-Paced Workshops
  • Bonus Interviews with React Community Experts
  • Full Transcripts and Captions
  • Full Source Code for All Workshops
  • Discord Community Access

Learn the professional method of testing every JavaScript application

This course will apply the four-layer testing method to a React application, but this foundational strategy can be applied across any JavaScript framework: Angular, Vue, legacy Backbone apps, even frameworks and libraries we haven’t met yet.

Following this course, you’ll be equipped to:

  • deliver solid features that work for users as expected
  • choose the best tools for the job
  • communicate more effectively with your coworkers
  • be a more confident, professional JavaScript developer

Learn the professional method for JavaScript testing and always ship high quality software like the professional you are.

What other developers are saying

Many devs not only don't know how to test React components, but are also unsure of what to test. Kent's clear step-by-test course explains it all in such a way that it'll make you want to immediately go and test your whole app!

Ben Ilegbodu
Ben Ilegbodu

Kent has amazing videos covering a range of JavaScript topics. Not only does he show how to perform a task, but he also explains why and regularly unpacks what is happening behind the scenes. If you're looking for quick and concise videos, then consider taking his content for a spin!

Elijah Manor
Elijah Manor

Kent is a reliable and enthusiastic teacher. His value as a JavaScript community member can't be overstated. He will help you meet your goals as a developer.

Dan Abramov
Dan Abramov

Testing JavaScript

Kent C. Dodds
Kent C. Dodds
Testing JavaScript
8 workshops full of dense testing knowledge
  • Fundamentals of Testing in JavaScript
    Fundamentals of Testing in JavaScript
    7 lessons
  • JavaScript Mocking Fundamentals
    JavaScript Mocking Fundamentals
    6 lessons
  • Static Analysis Testing JavaScript Applications
    Static Analysis Testing JavaScript Applications
    15 lessons
  • Use DOM Testing Library to test any JS framework
    Use DOM Testing Library to test any JS framework
    12 lessons
  • Configure Jest for Testing JavaScript Applications
    Configure Jest for Testing JavaScript Applications
    24 lessons
    1h 38m
  • Test React Components with Jest and React Testing Library
    Test React Components with Jest and React Testing Library
    42 lessons
    2h 24m
  • Install, Configure, and Script Cypress for JavaScript Web Applications
    Install, Configure, and Script Cypress for JavaScript Web Applications
    20 lessons
  • Test Node.js Backends
    Test Node.js Backends
    40 lessons
    2h 21m
10 interviews with industry experts
  • Practical testing with Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski
    Practical testing with Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski
  • a11y with Marcy Sutton
    a11y with Marcy Sutton
  • Static Types with Jessica Kerr
    Static Types with Jessica Kerr
  • Testing Practices with J.B. Rainsberger
    Testing Practices with J.B. Rainsberger
  • Visual regression testing with Angie Jones
    Visual regression testing with Angie Jones
  • Snapshots and Reason with Jared Forsyth
    Snapshots and Reason with Jared Forsyth
  • Testing culture with Justin Searls
    Testing culture with Justin Searls
  • Ministry of testing with Rosie Sherry
    Ministry of testing with Rosie Sherry
  • Craftmanship with Kent Beck
    Craftmanship with Kent Beck
  • Testing Levels with Mattias Johansson
    Testing Levels with Mattias Johansson
In the bundle
  • All 8 modules in this course including testing React and other frameworks
  • Full source code for all modules
  • Fully annotated transcripts with inline code and screenshots
  • The Essential Testing Glossary
  • Testing Checklist

Get Really Good at React and Testing JavaScript

For a special discounted price

Epic React and Testing JavaScript by Kent C. Dodds
Forever Yours
Epic React Pro Package

Epic React Pro PackageOriginal price: $599

  • All 8 interactive self-paced workshops full of dense React knowledge
  • 13 interviews with industry experts
  • Full source code for all workshops
  • Discord community access
Testing JavaScript Pro Package

Testing JavaScript Pro PackageOriginal price: $332

  • All 8 self-paced workshops full of dense testing knowledge
  • 10 interviews with industry experts
  • Fullly annotated transcripts with inline code and screenshots
  • Full source code for all workshops
  • The Essential Testing Glossary
  • Testing Checklist
30 day money back guarantee